Disney Internships and Internship Prep!


Walt Disney Animation Studios invites you to attend Student Summit 2023!

Join and learn about Disney's internship opportunities, gain insights into their recruitment process, and tip for crafting your portfolio, demo reel, and/or resume.  Disney is excited to share this unique experience with their College and University Network. 

When: Thursday, November 9th, 2023

Time: 12pm - 1:30pm Central time (10-11:30am PT)

To Register: Registration Link

Register for this special event by Tuesday, November 7th, 2023!

Event Agenda:

- 12pm CT Welcome
- 12:05 pm CT 2024 Internship Overview
- 12:20 pm CT Internship Recruitment Process
- 12:55 pm CT Fast 5 FAQs
- 1:08 pm CT Audience Q&A
- 1:30pm CT Event Wrap

DISNEY SUMMER INTERNSHIPS ARE OPEN! This is your opportunity to attend the Student Summit to properly prepare to apply to Disney Internships.

Current list of Open Internships:

- 2024 Talent Development Program Effects Trainee
- 2024 Talent Development Program Lighting  Trainee
- Story Intern - Summer 2024
- General TD Intern - Summer 2024
- CG Generalist - Character Intern - Summer 2024
- Lighting & Materials Development Intern - Summer 2024

Link to Internships: Disney Summer 2024 Internships
