Rec Sports is Hiring a Videographer and Graphic Designer!

Rec Sports currently is hiring two part time positions within our marketing office and thought students in your department would be interested in applying. We are looking to hire both Videographers and Graphic Design Artists.

The Videography position does both videography and photography for the different program areas and events at Rec Sports. They also help collaborate with our social media team to develop creative and engaging video content. 


Videographer Job Description:


The Graphic Design artist will use Adobe Design platforms to help us create both digital and print materials for different marketing campaigns, social media content, and program area promotions around the Rec.


Graphic Designer:

MKTG_10252023-11292023_MarComm Graphic Artist 1.pdf


Both positions are great opportunities for students to build their professional portfolios while being a student at Texas A&M. We would love it if you would be able to send these job opportunities out to your students. Thanks for your help!
